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Astronomical year 20.03.2009 - 21.03.2010

What is "ACTIVITY of the ZODIAC SIGNS? *

This term designates a potential vital energy, which will be skipped through the sign of the zodiac. The horoscope of Sun ingress in Aries  is used in the calculation. Whole Sign Houses (1 sign = 1 house), 5 planets and Moon are accepted to attention. For example, Ascending Aries gets more points than the Scorpio in the house 8.

Activity of the Zodiac Signs does not indicate a favourable or adverse effects. The value of Activity shows a potential quantity of vital energy, which will pass through the zodiacal sign. The quality of this energy will depend on individual horoscope and, of course, of what thoughts, feelings and actions have been in the past.

Diagram for Astronomical Year 2009 (20.3.2009 – 21.3.2010)



Diagram is suitable, for example, for Finland, Germany, European part of Russia and Baltic countries. (In the UK, France, Spain, more weights are signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra).

How to interpret diagram?

1) 2009 will be economical from the point of view of physical and mental expenditures for Cancer and Sagittarius. But Leo, Capricorn and Aquarius will fall into the middle of the flow of vital energy.

2) The analysis of the behavior of people in the collective more easily gives the possibility to verify this diagram.

Ruslan Susi

* From 2004 until 2008 were used the names of  Force of of the Zodiac or Power of of the Zodiac.


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